I’ve got a bad cold,
so I’m taking no responsibility whatsoever for any of the following.
Once again, students presented their case for pursuing the addition
of a 2nd student trustee (on the SOCCCD board). They received the
senate’s support.
N.b.: Senators approved “posting the rec’s from the
Curriculum Committee on the intra-net upon availability in lieu of hard copy
documents for review and study two weeks prior to approval.”
Vice Chancellor Serban (pronounced sir-BAHN) requests input
from the likes of you ‘n’ me regarding the development of “district-wide
goals.” The process will continue for a while, I believe, so we still have time
to review the draft and suggest changes/additions. Let me know if you’d like a
copy of the DWGs as they relate to IVC. (Among them: “To promote a supportive
environment….” Blecchh.) Serban’s committee is doing good work, reports Wendy.
The new “grade grievance policy” was approved by the board.
The senate will pause to see what other trustees (beyond the
defiant Mr. Wagner [pronounced VOG-ner]) have to say about the recent Accred
letters before advising the board re this matter. If we were to advise them, we’d say: “stop messing up our accreditation,
OK?” But, like I said, were pausing.
The “early college” program (starting at Beckman High;
Tustin Unified), of which IVC is the partner, moves forward. We were reminded
that the pilot program—Fall 07-Spring-08—is small (90 students). So we’ll see
how it goes. We’d better monitor the situation closely.
N.b.: Meanwhile, the college is moving forward with the
intention or hope of EXPANDING this sort of program. I do believe that IVC
officials are meeting with superintendents of other schools/school districts.
Senators acted to pursue modifications to the new faculty fvaluation
form to distinguish between part-time and full-time instructors. (Many of the
questions refer to responsibilities that fall only to full-timers.)
I do believe that Senators accepted (and praised) Jeff K’s
notes/advice regarding the college budget process. We requested that his
document be made available electronically. I’ll let you know when I receive it;
I will promulgate it. As you know, “development of the budget process” is among
the faculty’s ten areas of primary responsibility—not that administration has
acknowledged that fact, historically. But, we’re told, these days,
administration is more than willing to let faculty define the budget process.
Did you get that? There are vacuums. We can fill them. Like I been saying.
We’re moving forward with yearly senate elections. Wendy was
nominated for president and Greg was nominated as Vice President (both
accepted). Nominations remain open, I believe. Be aware that other senate
offices (secretary, stevedore, etc.) remain open. No one has been nominated for
any of these.
We discussed the Faculty Hiring Priority List Procedures. We
were disinclined to review them since, in all likelihood, there will be no
hiring any time soon.
Did you notice the inclusion of “stevedore”? Of course not.
You’re not reading this, are you? In that case there’s no harm in my saying: “no wonder Fuentes thinks you’re lazy.”