Monday, August 24, 2015

What's "bark"? And what on Earth is the DRAC?

The Kearsarge Lakes Basin, Sierra Nevada (CA)
By Roy Bauer
     The Academic Senate is about participating in “collegial consultation” (aka “shared governance”). Arguably, that boils down to faculty representation on committees
     Below is a list of college and district committees most of which have faculty representation. (These lists are likely to be a bit outdated.)
     I have highlighted some familiar acronyms with which you might not be, um, familiar.
     A few years ago, the ceaseless and stupefying proliferation of committees struck many as absurd and unwise, and an attempt was made to pare them down to a manageable number. But then they started proliferating again, especially at the district level. 
     Feel free to complain loudly and angrily about the byzantine committee structure at the college and at the district. Couldn't hurt. Might help.

IVC Strategic Planning Committees
BDRPC – IVC Budget Development and Resources Planning Committee
APTC – IVC Academic Planning and Technology Committee
SSAMMO – IVC Student Success/Access/ Matriculation/Marketing/Outreach
IE – IVC Institutional Effectiveness Committee
IVC Environmental Leadership Committee

District Committees
DRAC – District Resources Allocation
BAARC – Basic Aid Allocation Committee
CET – Chancellor’s Executive Team
Chancellor’s Cabinet
Leadership Team
Vice Chancellor’s Coordinating Council
District Academic Calendar
District-wide Planning Council
District-wide Technology Committee
BPARC – District Board Policy and Administrative Regulations Committee
Calendar committee

IVC Task Forces
[This list might be a bit out of date.]

IVC Accreditation
IVC Cafeteria
Safety Committee
IVC Commencement Speaker
IVC Teacher of the Year
IVC Bookstore
IVC Scholarship Selection
SLO Task Force – Student Learning Outcomes Task Force*
CTE Task Force – Career and Technical Education Task Force
Distance Education Task Force
Technology Advisory Task Force
IVC ‘Classified Hiring Priority List’ Development (is there still a committee?)


SPOBDC - Strategic Planning Oversight & Budget Development Committee 
SPAC - Strategic Planning and Accreditation. Council
and See

*Re SLOs:


  1. Let's not forget SPAC (Strategic Planning...something...committee) and DOEC -- district-wide online education committee.

  2. Here's a (pretty) complete list of the committees at IVC:
    Academic Senate
    Academic Affairs
    Curriculum Committee
    Accreditation - main committee and a bunch of workgroups
    ATEP Workgroup
    BSR - budget solutions recommendation workgroup
    Bookstore Task Force
    Cafeteria Task Force
    Campus Safety Task Force
    Classified Senate
    Commencement Speaker Task Force
    Commencement Task Force
    CTE Task Force
    Environmental Leadership Committee
    ET PROG Discontinuance Task Force
    Honors Advisory Council
    Institutional Effectiveness Committee
    Basic Skills Initiative -- now basic skills committee
    Faculty Mentored Student Research and IRB committee
    Instructional Council
    Online Education Committee
    President’s Executive Council
    Scholarship Workgroup
    SOCCCD Sexual Assualt Compliance Workgroup
    SSSP Workgroup
    Strategic Planning & Accreditation Council
    Student Equity
    Student Learning Outcomes
    Student Services
    Student Rights and Grievances Work Group
    Technology Advisory Committee
    Undergraduate Research
