Thursday, September 20, 2018


SEPT 20 SENATE MEETING [Roy’s notes]

  PUBLIC COMMENTS: We raised Lisa’s issue: [disturbing, perhaps threatening] letter sitting on Roquemore’s desk for three weeks without informing Lisa. These (two) letters (one to Lisa, a similar letter from same student to someone in the Social Sciences) are clearly written by a disturbed individual, making lurid and absurd charges. Yet it occurred to no administrator on this campus [including Linda F and Glenn R] that they represented a threat to these faculty. Instead, the student’s complaints were pursued/investigated. Eventually, the Irvine (city) police sent someone to the letter-writer for an assessment.
   Fair amount of discussion about this.
Exec. Reports:
   June: still looking for coop work experience coordinator. Some volunteers. But ask your faculty. Internship….
   June, briefly: should we on campus find ourselves in situation that we, as faculty, are not being heard and “shared governance” is kaput, we can ask for technical visit from State Ac Senate. Mediates, guides discussion. An opportunity for us. Know that that is available.
   Jeff K (VP): Davit, our budget VP, could not make it to the meeting again. Was supposed to be a slam dunk to have a license plate reading contraption. That didn’t happen. People asked questions. Why save data for two years?  An accountability issue. Weak arguments for the technology. They’re going back to rethink it. Secondly, we’re pushing pretty hard against the budgetary process. Rethinking it. Desired: efficiently, inclusiveness, transparency. There’s never a follow-up on claimed savings on measures. We’ll have to enforce that, demand follow-up. 
   Academic Affairs: Dan. We had first meeting; budget not changed for profession development funds. $1800 per year per faculty; $900 per adjunct. We’re keeping that. Secondly, we’ll be sending out faculty survey about faculty development. 
   Committee is also discussing: Let’s get an outside speaker of interest to faculty and broader Irvine community. Any suggestions? Also: faculty dinner with that speaker?
   Curriculum: gen ed requirement, AA and AS. Ongoing discussion. No decision yet. 
Meetings re upgrade of Curricunet. Options. 
H. Board Policies 
  • BP4040 Institutional Code of Conduct 
   Anyone want to edit it? Take a crack at it? PLEASE DO 
·       BP2100.1: Delegation of Authority to the Academic Senate 
·       BP2100.2: Role and Scope of Authority of the Academic Senate 
   We’re asking AA to look at these. 
   Jeff: investigating changing the calendar (to shorter semesters, like everyone else). This is an exploratory move only. Just discussion. Need to see the pros and cons. There are strong voices either way. We want to take an informed investigatory approach. Then deliberate. Hope to show up at some point with strong argument to present to college president, others. 
   K realignment of engineering dept with school of IDEAS. Approved

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Senate meeting: Sept 6, 2018

Senate meeting: Sept 6:
     Cancelled meeting because Davit was sick
     Ivc meeting was “very interesting”
Program review…
     Meeting on Tuesday; agenda for year decided
Rick Boone/curric
     We’ll meet next week, will start review of courses
     Re CNET—will meet to discuss if upgrade to new system
     SCHOOL FACULTY SHOULD DISCUSS THIS ISSUE. Initiative to simplify (weaken) AS requirements; fewer courses, etc.
     School meetings soon? Have them discuss AA vs AS issue, general ed requirementshave your rep discuss
     What is being monitored? Director of IT—suspicious behavior on our desktop. Telephone monitored? No
     What was the intent of asking to push a Program forward?
        Adjunct member inquired about status of program
        According to some senate people, admin don’t get to touch curriculum ever.
        We need to clarify that, says J
        Jeff: when we passed this curric in 2017, we did not consider data. So we failed? 
        Raised issues: pattern of favoritism. Possible agenda item Cabinet will be crafted
        ROY: Issue of school newspaper—President blocks. Agenda item
Item J
     2100.1 and point 2–let’s hold off on those. FACULTY AUTHORITY/RESPONSIBILITIES
Dan: bring this to schools a discussion
     Related to Roy’s suggestion: think about our authority role.