Thursday, August 30, 2018


   Blah, blah, blah
   Executive report: June will give last
   Jeff: …
   Dan: 1stmeeting in a couple of weeks. We’re looking revising and updating rules for professional development funding. Seeking clarification. 
   Rick Boone: (new curric chair): changes happening. Goals for the committee: increase in transparencyStreamlining the process. [Uh-oh] A grueling job, in the past. Trying to alleviate that. Aiming for transparency. 
   Building a team. Henry C will be review lead. Support divided. Want to encourage faculty: we all have to own. Ownership
   Only one rep needed on curic. Now, everything, including Tech review, happening at once.
One thing
Senate will need to give advice
   My understanding—the President of college asked the curric specialist to move a program forward in Curricunet—without consulting faculty. The Curric chair was in the office when part of it happened but was not included in the decision.
     Laser Techis a program at IDEA. Associates degree. Finished and in the queue.Ed code now says: every 2 years need to justify existence with labor… data. Are there jobs? That process hasn’t been worked out in this district. This is among the programs waiting for that process to be defined. I’ve spoken to everyone involved. I was not present for this. Curric specialist was told: don’t need to provide labor data. Just move it up the process and get it approved. 
   The problem with this is 10 + 1. Plain reading of it. That’s a very serious breach of protocol/shared governance. 
   No full time faculty in Photonics currently. The event happened on Tuesday. I spoke with him on the phone today.
   Brittany: which stage was it in: board approval. It was stopped at board approval because we don’t have a process for market data… It’s stuck there. Hiring of Desiree [the curric specialist?] -rammed through. Issues around this particular program. June: the program is historically aligned with IVC. 
   Kathie: I agree with you Brittany. Fundamental process was the biggest problem. On the phone, he said: well, I didn’t challenge him exactly. Don’t have answers.
   Rick Boone: CNET--need to enter labor market data –even before you get it to the board. The request was to leapfrog the present data process (board), push it forward. We don’t need to do the labor market thing—just push it to the board (without review of data). Kathie: the senate is involved in implementing the new rule (about presenting data). 
Senate meeting on August 30, 2018 [Senate document]
Senate President’s Report
     Our IVC President asked the curriculum specialist to move a program forward without consulting faculty nor the curriculum chair. Laser Technology has an AS in C-net and is ready to go to the Board. Education Code says that every 2 years, CTE programs must revise their programs and look at labor market data again. Laser Technology is one program that still needs to collect labor market data. The request made  to the curriculum specialist, who is a staff member, to move the program forward without the labor market data. This is a violation in the 10+1 of the senate. 
     This program was stopped at Board approval because they are still working on where they can collect the labor market data. Also, the Board Policy for how to collect and look at Labor Market information has not been developed. 
     President Roquemore has said that this is an IVC historical program and was here before he was president. He said that it was at the request of a part-time faculty member who teaches the laser course, to find out where the courses were in the curriculum process. The program was at the stage in c-net where it needed to be moved to board approval but was being held up for labor market data. The board and the state requires labor market data. 
What was the reason for President Roquemore to go around the curriculum and senate process?
     June will be meeting with President Roquemore regarding administrations role in the curriculum process. She will report to Senate the results from the meeting. 
     If anyone has additional questions or concern, please email June directly.
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