Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sep 21, 2017 senate meeting

September 21 meeting of Academic Senate
Public comments:

Eddie Tiongson of AAPI passed around a flier about a presentation concerning green cards: “Are you eligible to apply for a green card? Come find out.” Two of the speakers are attorneys. Three sessions: Sept 21, 28, Oct 19. See Elevate AAPI @ IVC with AAAJ-OC
Moved up item L, Tech Guy Jim Gaston
L. SmartSchedule (SS)
SS touches just about everybody. The design team for SS has wide representation. Worked on SS for close to a year.
1st phase: February. 
2nd phase: this semester. 
3rd phase: early 2018
1st: up to date cosmetically; the look and feel is different, not structurally different
Mobile responsive (adapts to the device that you’re using)
Ultimately, the underlying infrastructure is completely changing. Increases performance of the system.
2nd phase: moving it into the cloud. Cool things under the hood with the infrastructure. More intelligent searching.
Jim would be glad to come to your meetings to go into detail.
In phase 3: Schedule building. Student can set some options for filtering results. Set times I’m not available, am available.
Executive reports:
June M (Prez):
One idea that came up in General Assembly. deciding what we’re going to do next few semesters. 3 key priorities: let’s decide on them. Define them. Schedule our approach.
DACA is not agendized for today, but it’s now on our list, we’re working on it.
BPs and ARs: 25 outstanding BP and AR. We have one for today. June really wants to get organized; we tend to come unprepared and end up rubberstamping. (True.) Let’ not do that.
Jeff K (VP):
Blah blah blah
Dan D (Academic Affairs):
We’re looking at 4 things
  • ·       DAL funding
  • ·       Revitalizing ivc-2-ivc
  • ·       Existential questions about flex week
  • ·       Use of professional development funds
We’ll bring back reports
Diana H (Curric):
Looking for faculty person to help us with cooperative work experience. Need to update district policy. Maybe do school service hours. A request. Please ask your faculty. Maybe 15 hours of work involved.
Code alignment for CTE is now starting. An effort to align systems across states, etc.
ACCJC says that if you’re going to have a new program, you have to answer a set of questions. The Due Diligence report.  She lost me, what with her acronyms and such.
Reorder agenda again:
Skip to J. 
J. Board Policies BP4011.6 
Chancellor hiring procedures latest revision 
Upcoming BP and AR:· BP 4011.6 Employment Procedures for Chancellor
Shall the Representative Council approve the revision of BP 4011.6?
Major changes:
Took stuff from classified hiring policy and pasted in here.
Point 5, line 188 - Before paper screening, committee makes a decision about how they’re going to do the ranking.
There were some unease about this item. Need more time. Tabled. CHECK IT OUT.
Item K:
K. SSSP/BSI/SEP Integration
Angel is here to answer questions. 
Integrated work group: BSI, Student Equity, and SSSP
The integrated SSSP/Student Equity/BSI program model promotes integrated planning and program coordination at the district and college levels. The three programs retain separate requirements as specified in Education Code and title 5 regulations; these requirements are built into the Integrated Plan to ensure compliance with applicable law and regulations. In coming years, the Chancellor’s Office intends to pursue changes in Education Code and title 5 regulations to achieve even greater integration and alignment of the three programs in subsequent planning cycles.
His plan got the big OK from us.

M. Distinguished Academic Lecture Series
DALS needs new sources of funding to revitalize the series and bring in outside speakers.
Academic Affairs (Dan D):
At committee meeting, noted non-fundedness of DAL. We’ve decided that it’s important to any college to have this kind of series, inviting distinguished scholars, et al. We have no funding at this point. Seeking authorization to have meeting to work with Foundation to fund series. Perhaps hammer out a long-standing agreement.
Jeff: clarification. Funding spent on what?
A: one or two speakers per year brought to campus.
Events that we can be proud of. 
Ilkner: maybe dump scholarships, waste of money. [Everyone stared at her. Not me.]
I made a motion: let’s vote.
Jeff: I was involved our first time, which yielded the famous Ray Bradbury visit. It was hard. Paid $5000 from student government. Important to make sure everybody’s on board, gets this done right. There were snafus.
We voted strongly in favor: yes, we’ll support this.
N. New Program Development Process
First Reading: Program development guidelines & New Program Letter of Intent
Three program development guides, approved at the last Curriculum meeting of the Spring 2017, needs approval.
New program Letter of Intent for approval. 
Diane has 5 minutes to present: 
We had a PD process in the past, but it wasn’t helpful.
Curriculum committee last year worked on three ways a new program could come forth.
First Reading Discussion 
Letter of intent. I’m not sure what her point was about that. Including such a letter is a way everyone learns about the change, and there are no surprises. Transparency is the goal here. We need to know if there’s going to be a problem down the line.
Not voting today. Getting input. Bring to faculty. The new program development process  helps us get our ducks in a row.
Jeff feels strongly that all of these policies should be dealt in one fell swoop, one document that thinks through everything. Program review, Program discontinuance. The same questions should be pursued al the way through.
Nice discussion. We’ll bring this back.
Diana: Please email Chris L and myself if you have any concerns, etc.
Diana: DACA: Santa Ana law center is having a clinic this weekend.
Eddie: we’ll have events here too.
Don’t have to be IVC students
Robert M: a group coming on campus 7-9 Korean resource center.
Dec 7 proposed end of year party. Can’t call it “Xmas Party” anymore.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sep 7, 2017, senate meeting: our budget crisis, the "IDEA" school

Senate meeting, Sept. 7 2017
Big issues? Our Budget Crisis. ATEP. A new school at IVC (to be housed at ATEP). MacDonald’s proposal (about a new school, branding and such)
     As you know, recently, we received a communication from the district (the Chancellor and Pres. Jamal) that stated:
Our district is working closely with the California Community Colleges State Chancellor’s Office to advocate with Congress on a permanent resolution to help students who are impacted by the president’s decision.  If you are interested in lending your support for this effort, please click here to contact your representatives.
     During “Public Comments,” I noted that many of us are concerned about our DACA kids and wonder what the district/colleges are doing for them. That yielded a fair amount of largely encouraging discussion. I may be mistaken, but I believe the matter has been agendized for next meeting. (If not, we can still do that, if desired.)
     Please let us (i.e., Henry and/or me) know what you desire. Do you have complaints, worries, suggestions? Is there something we can suggest? PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS ASAP.
     There seems to be a move afoot to provide information about the legal situation of our DACA students—clearly, many of these students are very concerned in part because they have no clear notion of what is about to occur. During discussion, Counselor Robert M alluded to a communication with someone who assured him that the state of California plans some form of non-cooperation with Mr. Trump’s recent anti-DACA decision, whatever it turns out to be. 
     Various reassuring comments were made, but it was clear that there is a fair amount of uncertainty and confusion out there about the ramifications of Mr. Trump’s decision for DACA students, and we need to address that. The new senate prez (June M) seemed fully to support more discussion and information re DACCA and related matters.
Executive reports
Senate President: June McLaughlin [she recently replaced Kathy Schmeidler]
     The big college issue is the BUDGET—a big problem for us (not for Saddleback College). There have been severe cuts, including in the schedule. “Please report back how the spring scheduling worked for your school.”
      June alluded to some standard “narrative” about why we are experiencing these severe budget issues. I asked her to provide that narrative. I think she said that our special money issue is usually attributed to a raise in salaries plus the actions of the former Vice President of Instruction re overscheduling. Skepticism at the college about the narrative is fairly widespread. 
Vice-President: Jefferey Kaufmann 
      Need to get bodies in seats on various committees.
     The committee architecture is over-burdened. Too many committees. We need to push for reform in that area. 
Academic Affairs (Dan D):
     Dan mentioned that we will be attempting to get DAL (distinguished lecture series) funding. He said something about Flex week too. (Clearly, either Dan needs to invest in voice amplification or I need to invest in a hearing aid. The latter, I think.)
     He said that we’ll continue to attempt to improve the professional development funds situation. (We want more support for attending conferences and the like.)
     There’s a move afoot to improve “new faculty orientation.”
Curriculum: Diana:
     We need a rep from The Arts, LLR, student body. Bodies needed.
     Tech Review Committee will process 340 courses in the coming months!
     Policy now changed. Approval can now occur locally, i.e., just at the college, not at the state. All that the state bureaucrats will do is “spot check.” Much faster turnaround now.
     Tech Review 2: still open to new members
     Cooperative work experience: undergoing a big revision in district.
     All CTE courses are undergoing review. Diana mentions various “codes.”
     Emeritus – will be moved to noncredit, moved to the new school (see below)
     CET: rule in Title 5. Bring labor info before submit program. Lots of schools didn’t know that.
     Course Catalog. Curriculum will be going through our course catalog. It’s ugly. Lots of errors. More than we like. 
     Chancellor’s office has a new curriculum unit. 18 of our programs are “missing” at the state. Some kind of snafu. Hilarious, said D, with some form of irony. SC is missing 68 of its programs. (Even more hilarious.) New program bugs. 
Item J: naming of the new ATEP building.
     Jeff: two issues. Naming of building. Other: approval of new school (i.e.  our 11th Academic Unit)
     Item J was “Naming of the New ATEP Building.”
     You’ll recall that, years ago, SC’s Burnett and our own Glenn got into an ugly urination tourney regarding “who controls ATEP.” In the end, then-Chancellor Poertner made like Solomon and decided that two exactly similar buildings would be constructed at the site, one for SC and one for IVC. Ours was to be built first.
     Well, ours is well on its way and folks have been scrambling to do what needs to be done to fill the building.
      There’s a proposal (by a committee) to name the building “Integrated Design, Engineering and Automation” (i.e., “IDEA”). I gather (from discussion) that this name corresponds to existing programs—programs that, it has been assumed, would be taught out there. Evidently, some felt that the “IDEA” acronym is problematic because it already designates other things. Still, the members of the committee feel that this name is best. “OK, then,” we thought.
     There are two very distinct issues here. One is: what shall we name this building? The other is: shall we create another School (and will it be named “Integrated Design, Engineering and Automation”)?
     At this point, we halted discussion of J and moved to item N:  Budget, Enrollments and the new school at ATEP.
     VPI MacDonald came up to present about that. My heart sank (just a little). I like ‘em, but I don’t expect good ideas from him.
     He noted our massive budget crisis. M said that it is his nature to take care of one big problem at a time, and so, last year, he was all over accreditation. (And didn’t that turn out swell!) Now he’s all over the budget crisis and the imminent opening of our ATEP building.
     MacDonald was there to sell an idea. 
     We need leverage in our efforts to get money from the district. One source of leverage is productivity/efficiency. Essentially, MacDonald wants us to use our relative productivity/efficiency as a bargaining chip re distribution of funds between SC and IVC.
     In last 4 years, he said, both colleges have taken a dive, productivity-wise, efficiency-wise.
     We provided lots of access. Went above cap. Our model does not allow us to claim. $2.2 million over budget. “You can’t operate like that.” Plan: let’s get back in line, a 525 (a productivity score—student hours over instructors). 
     Every school has been given reasonable goal of productivity. 
     MacDonald’s big idea concerns ATEP. Want to get ATEP off of the IVC budget. If we get ATEP off, we can grow FTES. Can’t let ATEP sink.  Want ATEP to support itself.
     The programs at ATEP can’t support lots of managers….. Need more FTES out there. That’s why we will move Emeritus out there. It has not been efficient, but it can be. To that end, we must rewrite Emeritus courses.  (Apparently, there’s now a massive effort to rewrite all the Emeritus courses by December, I think.)
     The building was designed for five programs. Makes sense to put those five programs in the building. We need to get MORE FTES out there. 
     MacDonald wants to create a school, to be called “Integrated Design, Engineering and Automation,” I guess, and that will be how our stuff at ATEP will be branded. It’ll be the name of the building, too. All part of a marketing strategy, a strategy to get more Full Time Equivalent Students (FTESs). 
     A separate school that funds itself. That’s the idea.
     At least one senator haltingly suggested that, hey, maybe we should just pull the plug on ATEP altogether, since it’s been such a dog from the very beginning. She is correct: ATEP has been nothing but a money pit all these years.
     MacDonald seemed to respond by saying that it exists and we’ve got to deal with it. We’ve got to make it work. He wants to reconfigure things so that it generated FTES and helps us with our budget woes.
     We voted on naming the building “Integrated Design, Engineering and Automation.” I believe it passed, 15-5-4. Far from unanimous.
New business
     Our LGBTQ Liaison, Alan Bilsborough, has “resigned from the District.” We need a replacement, and our own Henry Carnie has volunteered. Henry clarified that he has in mind sharing the office with one Anna Florez of student health. Everybody seemed to like that idea.
     I fell into a coma about then. So that’s all I’ve got.

Your senators:

  • Henry Carnie
  • Roy Bauer