Thursday, August 20, 2015

• August 20, 2015 Senate Meeting

August 20 meeting of the IVC Academic Senate (Rep Council)

   We discussed the idea of joining a program known as “Studies in Grad Education,” a Cal CC Internship Program. It is affiliated with UCI. See

   How shall we proceed?
   We decided to agendize the matter for the next meeting.
   Nevertheless, this discussion refused to die. I made a special effort to kill it. No dice.

Exec reports:

Prez Kathy Schmeidler:

     Blah, blah, blah. Kathy asserted that our budget situation looks healthy. I raised questions about the number of projected faculty hires this year (6, I believe). Seems low. Reflects budget? Kathy was unclear about the answer. She said that Saddleback College always has more discretionary funding than we do. Not clear why that is. Trying to figure it out. A mystery. (Obviously, part of the answer is a reference to Roquemorian  values, which obviously do not give priority to hiring full-time faculty. Also, with regard to some tasks, we seem to have limited understanding of how things get done at Saddleback College.)
     We discussed the fuzziness of past projected numbers; last year, etc. (The unstated thesis seemed to be something like this: administration's intentions and thinking are often unclear or are poorly communicated at IVC. An ongoing and vexing problem.)

Vice Prez Bob Urell:

     Bob reported on BDRPC (Budget Development and Resources Planning Committee) meeting, yesterday. (Budget.)
     Bob discussed resource requests. There’s a new resource allocation model. Change: choosing of the funding source. One should click appropriate funding sources, not check every box, hoping for a miracle. Etc.
     B200 renovation and HVAC upgrade: blah blah blah
     A400: a real mess. Water damage. “Tumbleweeds are blowing through the building,” said the facilities guy, reportedly. But it looks like the builder has a lot to lose by attempting litigation or foot-dragging. A long move-in period in Spring—that’s the hope.
     Steve R raised issues about naming A400 the “Liberal Arts Building.” Was the School of H consulted? Nope, we said. Kathy noted that there was at least one member of the school of H on SPAC, and no complaint was voiced.
     Brett asked about ATEP. When will it be finished? Brittany noted that, since it is the “School of the future,” ….. That got a good laugh.

Ac Affairs Chair: Brett McKim:

     We’ve not “had an affair” yet this term. Will be working on professional development. More funds than ever. ($60K/year?) [It must be said that Brett’s leadership of AA has been weak. Any volunteers? Be thinking of running in May.]
     We were allotted a special amount of money last year. Was anything left over? Yes. Rolls over.
     Senators discussed such issues as whether the allotment to adjuncts should be increased; also, the allotment to full-timers.

Curriculum Committee Chair: Diana Hurlbut:

     Dept chairs got due dates about curriculum during Flex Week. Nevertheless, evidently, many faculty haven’t gotten the word. The deadline for new courses: Sept 1. Get the word out. Can be fairly arbitrary what triggers “newness.”
     If you miss that deadline, a new one pops up: Feb 1. Those new courses precessed in Feb can be offered in the Spring of the following year (not the Fall).
     Over 300 courses need to be revised. Make sure everyone relevant knows the deadlines. You can make requests about the deadline; if you don't, you'll be assigned a deadline. That can go badly.
     All SLOs must be in a Word attachment in CNET. A change. Just have that attachment ready. ACCJC requires this.
     Distance Ed committee: new DE form to help meet new Accred requirements.
     A huge push on CTE (Career Technical Ed) is happening. These courses are relatively costly.

Item 7: ARs and BPs:

     The faculty hiring policy is going to the board in minimized form next week (Monday). Reconfigured by putting much of the regulation into an AR, out of BP. The biggest blemishes were revised. We were about to bring it to the board back in Nov or so. But then litigation popped up, and the district’s attorney made recs—and that weirded out Bugay. Much squealing and worry. Luckily, contra Poertner, the board is OK with these changes. They’ll likely pass off on these changes, which is good.
     The most important element in the AR: spirit of “this is what we’ll try to do.” If we have to do something different, we can.
      Coming up: 5618, credit by exam. AR 5626, about email. 5404—Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus. Laws have been changing about this, makes it a moving target. Joint workgroup, both colleges, working on that. Also: policies on students rights and responsibilities—supposed to parallel grade grievances. Some controversy about this: where the law is silent, we shouldn’t fill the void. (I think.) Faculty disagree with the district. The district wants an AR on professional development; this makes Kathy very uncomfortable. Stay tuned.

Item 8: grade grievances:

     We’ve been working with a small crew (pool). Any volunteers? Please volunteer! Even if you’re only willing to do ONE. You’re only deciding if there’s enough in the complaint to go forward as a grievance. If it goes forward, there’s one more hour-long meeting, but many of these complaints do not go forward, since students exhibit much cluelessness about the process.
     A handful of people (including our own Brittany) volunteered. Anyone else?

Item 10: club advisor handbook:

     New advisor couldn’t make it. She’ll be here next time.

Item 11: Ac calendars and finals calendar:

     The new finals week schedule is very similar to the finals week schedule of old. It’s available at the college website. Pretty easy to read, use. See:

     Someone noted that our schedule does not match Saddleback’s schedule. Never does, said Kathy. She also opined that Saddleback’s schedule is “weird.”

Item 12: contract ed, etc.:

     Cathleen not present. We’ll push this to next meeting.

Item 13: planning and decision making manual:

     The PDM. Please read draft, available online. Look especially at the paragraph on “consultation.” Prez Roquemore objects to it. We don’t. Check it out.

     DIGRESSION: Steve reminded us of our efforts to have the state senate challenge the ACCJC on its adoption of the SLO philosophy. Kathy was reminded that we should make another attempt to get the state senate to adopt an appropriate resolution.

Item 15: Curriculum chair assistant:
     Chris Loeffler (Anthropology) has agreed to take this on. She’ll run Tech Review 2.
     We approved her appointment.

School reports….

     I mentioned Henry’s difficulty. Kathy had been involved in the efforts to overcome the problem and she said: the key question is--

     What happens about tenure if he fails to get the right kind of visa? That’s the core issue. We hope it’s a question we never have to answer. So far so good.

1 comment:

  1. Re naming the new building "Liberal Arts": a member of the relevant committee sent me this:
    please send my apologies to the other faculty who did not feel included in the decision to rename A400 to LiberalArts. FI, KT, and I were in the meeting where this was discussed. Since the building is now two stories, we were flummoxed as to how to proceed with a straightforward numbering pattern. We proposed changing the name (as per BSTIC, LSB, and PAC) to alleviate confusion. My first proposal of the Humanities, English, Languages, and Learning was dismissed on the grounds that telling students to "go to HELL" when they want to take our classes would be fun, but perhaps inappropriate. Given Karima's stated Deanship at the time (Dean of Liberal Arts) we proposed Liberal Arts as a way to include not only the humanities but also the social science folks who will be working there. As probably happens on many committees, we were asked to make a decision based on our impression of our constituents' desires rather than being given time to actually consult with them. Everyone in the room reached consensus that this was an acceptable decision, the bulk of debate centering on whether we'd try to find money in a budget somewhere to buy the additional letters to spell out "L-I-B-E-R-A-L A-R-T-S", or get money back by trading "A-4-0-0" for "L-A".
