Thursday, February 20, 2014

• February 20, 2014 Senate Meeting

Senate Notes February 20th, 2014
  1. A. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  Linda F. , Kathleen G. , June. M., Anne Heaton – Study Abroad program 
  2. B. Public Comments: 1) Anne Heaton visited from OCC—She is the coordinator of the study abroad program over there.  She came to invite our students and let us know that there are study abroad opportunities for students at community colleges. OCC is offering two programs for summer 2014 which are still open for application – English Lit and Psychology program – specifically, Cross Cultural Psych and Stats in Cambridge UK. (As an aside, she mentioned the professor from OCC who will be teaching the psychology course, Jaren Gonzales. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting him this past year and I know a former student of his—he is an amazing professor, did his graduate work at Notre Dame.)  For 2015 – History of Rock, Cross Cultural Anthropology. These classes are transferable. Let your students know they can apply at OCC or Golden West to participate – they can do the paperwork now to transfer the units for the current summer semester or when they actually transfer. They do spend two weeks here being trained with skills to make it a successful program. So far these programs are from OCC.  Faculty and departments are encouraged to develop such programs.  A possible professional development opportunity for faculty in the pipeline.   You can contact Anna at . 2) VP of SS Linda F.:  She informed us about a program being proposed for further development:  IVC Connect Partnership Program. It will enhance high school students’ knowledge about the matriculation process at IVC. We aren’t guaranteeing enrollment or a standing for early enrollment, but the program would help students understand the matriculation process so they come here prepared to go through the process correctly. The proposal is to work with the Irvine Unified School District, the Tustin Unified School District and the Laguna Beach School District–the proposal addresses providing more application workshops, more in-service training for counselors, to bring math and English assessment into the high schools, and to offer Fast Fridays for matriculation at the high school. This program would guide them to the correct courses for proper placement and enhance our outreach program – tours, etc.  The program would strengthen our visibility. Steve R. asks: cost?  We have received money for the matriculation program through a grant which will help pay for this. No General Funds used for this.  3) Robert M., DSPS counselor, hiring process discussion: Robert asked to present some information to dispel any misunderstandings – a) In 30 years the first categorical budget  cut was in 2009 when the major cuts all around happened.  b) Some of the money is coming back now. The budget has been augmented. The DSPS staff prioritized their needs and put the counselor at the top of that list. (MORE DETAILED DISCUSSION UNDER ‘SCHOOL REPORTS’ BELOW) 4) Roy: ASIVC funds for categorical co-curricular courses – he has heard rumor that the college is to take control of those funds from ASIVC and asked for clarification. Kathy explained: she has spoken to Glenn and Davit about this. Among the solutions sent to the budget group last year was a recommendation to look at how ASIVC funds are used. The work group took all the recommendations and grouped similar suggestions. Then the group responded to all of the recommendations. These all remain on a list. Among them, an idea of moving funding for co-curricular activities out of the control of ASIVC. Saddleback has done this – money for co-curricular goes out of their general fund now. So the President’s exec council discussed this notion. Davit went to speak at the ASIVC meeting to introduce ASIVC to this idea. No decision has been made YET. The proposal has not yet been broached at the budget committee. It is still a notion and has barely been sun-shined. No one will be able to go forward with the proposal—outside the defined process—now  that everyone is aware of what is going on – Kathy assured. There are two sides:  The current process has worked well for many years, no reason to really change it, etc.  Other side – large amount of money and the ASIVC budget process is a little “mysterious.” This discussion is just beginning, and hasn’t gone to all committees etc.  All appropriate parties and voices will be given an opportunity to participate and be heard through the various strategic and other committees. ANOTHER REMINDER:  WE NEED FACULTY TO SIT ON ALL THE BUDGET AND PROCESS COMMITTEES TO BE THE VOICE OF THE FACULTY – PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO BE IN THESE SEATS THAT WE HAVE NOW BEEN MADE AVAILBLE TO US. YOU CAN USE THESE HOURS FOR EITHER YOUR CONTRACTUAL HOUR OR FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TIME!
  3. C. School ReportsRobert M. from Counseling: wanted to clarify some facts regarding the hiring of a DSPS counselor through categorical funding:  Categorical and grant funds are different. Legal opinion from the Chancellor’s office and court opinion of faculty hired through categorical. The hiring of a faculty through categorical is the issue here. The counselor for DSPS would be funded through categorical funds and this follows IVC processes of hiring. A position of faculty through categorical funding was never put into General Fund due to lack of funding. This issue is going to be on the agenda for next meeting. Please come if you have concerns, questions, or thoughts on this. I know we spoke about this at our school meeting – the senate meeting will be the arena to discuss both sides.  Also, scholarship recommendations from faculty are due Feb. 28th.  Students have to have it done by Feb 21st. Engineering: IVC is a finalist in the international Solar competition. Biology: new building dedication on Wednesday March 19 at 1:00 pm.
  4. D. Standing Reports:  SLO – response from the ACCJC finally arrived –in response to our October 2012 report. Lots of good things, plenty we can improve upon. You will be seeing conversations and budgets requests etc. referencing SLO’s – we need to be focused on SLO’s and their connection to our budget process. Accred oversight work group – going to meet – to discuss the SLO institute they attended (both IVC and SC went).  IVC’s accreditation was given to our college without strings for the first time since at least 2004, so we don’t have to have a report now, but we need to stay on track and …   [Roy here, stepping in while Mel answers the phone:] somebody said something, but I didn’t understand it. Linda F said something and I didn’t really listen.] (Mel back  - Thanks Roy for stepping in while I momentarily left .) We need to pay attention to now entering “the use of results.” Calendar:  a request to reopen the discussion to look at the calendar that they proposed by Saddleback and wasn’t accepted – but the prevailing side has to make the motion. Not going to happen. Calendar going forward currently is one that was already proposed. Which calendar is going forward? The one where flex week is 4 days following Martin Luther King Day.  The new calendar will fix the Monday issue. Not sure how yet. Distance ED:  Putting together a review of a faculty manual for DE using a model from Pasadena college and adding our materials – theirs is highly regarded statewide, apparently. There will be a work group to look a this—currently there have been two reviews of the manual.  Faculty who teach DE are included in this group. 
  5. E. CTE:  June M: Task force met last week and raised the issue about getting more Perkins funding if we had more SAM codes, but turns out that’s not a problem. Looking for faculty to participate in the planning grant (AB 86) to develop among other things, some CTE related programs. This could potentially add an Adult ED program.  Basic skills faculty should be part of this conversation.  Dean Greiner – email her if interested and copy to get the official appointment.
  6. F. SIGNATURE REQUESTST:   Kathy put Roy’s name forward on behalf of the Senate and Steve R was appointed by the Faculty association to the Daryl Cox replacement position hiring committee. The senate reaffirmed Kathy’s position that HR needs to work hard to accommodate faculty schedules in this hiring process—during spring break. 
  7. G. BOARD POLICIES:  Please read and comment on the BP and AR‘s that deal with Student Travel and Cash handling as we will be voting on them. Another one coming soon:  BARC – recommendation to change the AR that governs how BARC works – small changes – 1) the District IT people have some money set aside for future innovations. Issue at the moment – the way it is written – the money would be given to Bob B with no oversight and the money would be for him. Our understanding was the IVC and Saddleback technology folks would also be getting some of this money. There is some resistance from the district to the wording. The senate agreed with Bob Urell and Kathy to stand our ground on this. If there is new money given, it is given to IT at both schools and district with oversight, otherwise, no new funds for innovations. Honorary degrees:  Roy asked Kathy to look into the honorary degree policy. Both Academic Senates and Glen agree that because honorary degrees are given by faculty, faculty should vet the degree.  Tod Burnett at Saddleback doesn’t agree. This is now stalled but Kathy will be discussing this with Glenn again – as she does regularly.
  8. H. ESL PROGRAM AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS PROGRAM:  Jeff Wilson and Rebecca Beck and Arleen E– the report from the last meeting with the data will be posted.  Today is a review of the issues from the last meeting and the action items.  In sum: we have about 750 international students that are under-supported. Jeff and Rebecca are drafting a resolution re this issue. The resolution had 9 items: things the campus would provide to properly serve these students: list including hiring needs – full time director, full time counselor, admin assistant, to make us comparable to other programs (currently the staff ratio is 250 to 1 where most places have 150 to 1 – in programs that have 500 students or more) marketing needs, space needs. The students’ success is impacted because they don’t have the guidance to be successful. The Senate was asked to support this resolution so Arleen can have more strength to support this. This resolution and Arleen’s memorandum and the details will be posted in the next meetings folder. Please go read and let us know if you have any questions and comments.  We will be covering this at the next meeting.  
  1. I. Senior Day -  Linda F. -   March 4th – expecting 2000 students this year. Volunteers are still needed and booths for your programs are available. This year will be a little different – students will the taken through an informational session for about 10-15 minutes, then they will be allowed to visit booths and burgers. They will be housed on the Terrace area for the food, prizes etc. 
  1. J. DTC LIST:  (District Technology) Please look at revised list and let us know your thoughts on these technology items.  It is in INSIDE IVC at the SPAC site.  
  1. K. Curriculum:  “Curriculum crunch hell time” – according to Diane.  “Just get ‘er done” – She needs stuff submitted before the first Tuesday in March to be approved at Curriculum.  If it isn’t done by then, you won’t be able to teach your class next year.  
  1. L. BUDGET:  Bob U.  Capital facilities list – projects that are coming up: Barranca entry, A 400 building etc. Resource Form:  Still being worked on. Breaks every time it’s tested. So they are still working on it.  Also added some items to regular budget that have been yearly – like the Reading Lab funding – THANK YOU BOB URELL  - so programs can plan.  

Thursday, February 6, 2014

• February 6, 2014

TigerAnn, cat
Report: Feb 6, 2014, meeting of the IVC Academic Senate (Rep Council)

     During “public comments,” I (on behalf of a colleague) related the following: that, evidently, discipline experts on search committees are obliged to go to the District (in Mission Viejo) to determine which applications satisfy minimal requirements. One issue here concerns fairness: SC faculty will have no difficulty visiting the “district,” since it is on their campus; meanwhile, IVC faculty must go very much out of their way to visit. Second issue: this is rather much to ask of every IVC committee.
     Why can’t this be done online?
     Senate Prez Schmeidler said that she was unaware of this state of affairs and she would look into it.
     The discussion led to a broader discussion of HR. It is clear that many in the room take a dim view of some aspects of HR policy, leadership, action, etc. I noted that the head of HR got the job by suing the district over alleged age discrimination. Whatever.
     Evidently, VC Bugay has suggested that committees run by faculty are often the problematic ones—where things seem to go very wrong—but, says Schmeidler, when you ask for evidence, it seems not to exist.

     Diana H, head of Curriculum, made a plea for support of Wendy Gabriella’s bid for the 73rd Assembly District seat. “She needs money,” said Diana. I concurred, noting that she is running in a district overrepresented by the Cave Man constituency. I noted that one of her Republican competitors was recently found to have an arrest record involving gun violence. I noted that that might turn out as a plus for the guy, given the Neanderthalic voters of South County.

     With regard to the eternally controversial Early College Program (ECP), an effort is afoot to POLL the usual suspects about its functioning, operation, quality, etc. If you have any INPUT regarding poll questions (etc.), please contact either Kathy S or Roopa Mathur via @senate. ANY INPUT MUST BE COMMUNICATED BEFORE THE NEXT SENATE MEETING (next week Thursday).

     We briefly discussed the calendar issue(s). Evidently, the fundamental problem with solving issues re the calendar (between the two colleges) flows from the ****** nurses down there. Evidently, those people are just nuts. “Barriers, barriers, barriers,” muttered Prez S, an apparent allusion to the notorious “barriers” to collaboration, civility, and such that have been so important to those attempting to placate the dreaded Accreds, those Shit Weasels.

     The Distance Ed maven (one of those Cuesta College rejects that Glenn seems so attracted to) made some remarks about the DE manual that is being produced. She (and others) said: have your DE instructors look at this manual. Gosh it’s good.

     There was some yammerage re development of the strategic plan; there was some concern that district Tech guy Bob B would dominate our plan, but no, we don’t want that. Nope.

     BRUCE HAGAN was on hand to discuss the “district technology request list.” That’s a list of things that might get “Basic Aid” dollars (which are reserved for one-time expenses, not ongoing expenses). There’s a document that lists these projects, etc. Let us know if you want to peruse this thing.
     They’re looking for someone to chair something, I dunno.

     We discussed the ongoing Board Policy review process, etc. If you have an interest in any of these policies, let us know. For instance, there’s a policy revision regarding 5130: financial aid.
     This discussion became so tedious that I nearly fell into a coma. Perhaps I did.
     The full-time faculty hiring policy (4011.1) revision is sitting on Bugay’s desk, where it seems to be stuck. Kathy is trying to kick it along. You’ll recall that, at one point, we freely discussed what we would really like in a hiring policy, and fairly radical suggestions were offered.
     The student rights policy—5530, I think—is interesting, said someone. Check it out.
     Email @senate with any feedback.

     For reasons unexplained, the ESL crew was not present to discuss H&L’s resolution regarding expansion of the International Student Program. And so it was continued. No problem.

     As usual, the senate is looking for warm bodies to volunteer to serve on such committees as the Strategic Planning and Accred Council (SPAC) and the Budget Development and Resource Planning Coming (SATAN). It is important to have faculty representation on these important committees. THINK ABOUT VOLUNTEERING.

     Apparently, for students, there are amazing software programs (MicroS Word, etc.) available for free. See --You might want to apprise students.

     Kathy evidently has received two nominees for Part Time faculty Senators. Any others?

     Re Curriculum: Diana said it was “crunch time” for working on degrees. She said something about the phenomenon of “bite back.” I dunno.

     Roopa Mathur, head of Academic Affairs, reminded us to remind faculty to record their Flex Week hours.
     Evidently, at this point, all of the Professional Development dollars are encumbered, but that is not a reason to stop requesting said dollars, since dollars can become available (as when someone bails on their conference plan).

     Senate VP Bob U said that the BA RC people met and barked and they’re discussing the possibility of “weekend college.” Apparently, a handful of community college districts across the state have tried this and have meet with some success, some failure. Someone mentioned issues of “student support” on the weekends. Someone interjected, “Nights, too.”

     That was about it.

     Kathy didn’t have time to give her report, which would have included an account of her meeting with IVC Prez Roquemore last week. You’ll recall that she was planning to meet with him and apprise him of the senate’s reaction to the LIBRARY ROOM SNAFU.

     I happen to know that, though Glenn evidently has to be treated with kid gloves when it comes to criticisms, he was informed that the senate is plenty peeved about the utter failure to follow process in this snafu and the senate’s demand for an apology and an account of who was responsible.

     I’m told (by a librarian) that Roquemore did eventually issue a mea culpa (last Monday) to the librarians, though he did not explain how this colossal failure of process occurred; nor did he mention anyone beyond Glenn involved in the snafu. (It is clear that VP of SS Linda Fontanilla was directly involved.) It was one of those “I take full responsibility for anything that might have happened” apologies. And you know what that’s worth.