Thursday, May 15, 2014

• May 15, 2014: President Roquemore visits the senate


-    GUESTS:  Craig J., Glenn R., Catherine G., Karima Feldhus
-    GLENN R. VISIT by Senate cabinet invitation:
-    Glenn decided simply to open things up for a Q&A. [Editorial note: I have reported this question and answer session much like a transcription – it’s pretty close to verbatim—because both commencement and scholarship are topics of great interest right now] 
-    1) Roy:  RE:  board policy about prayer (resulting from 2011 settlement of Westphal v. Wagner):   Policy states event planners, and planners alone, make decision about invocation–if there is a prayer and who will offer it. Roy asked Glenn for assurances that we are following this policy for Commencement and asked “who is the graduation committee?”  Glenn: Yes, all the decisions are being made by the commencement committee (the committee name was not clear to him, but Kathy seemed to know it).  Glenn assured us he is following the committee’s recommendation, which is to have a prayer this time. (Roy asked if it has ever been otherwise? No.) Steve R: How is one appointed to this committee?   Roy:  Any faculty on this committee? Glenn – Committee membership is made up of those who have a role in commencement, such as – student affairs, facilities, etc.  Priscilla - Has anyone taken Chris Hogstedt’s [faculty] position on that committee? Glenn:  No. 
-    Steve:  Concern - the last time we had an academic speak at commencement was years ago, and now we have had many years of non-academics speak.  Glenn: -  We are having problems getting speakers because by the time we ask at the end of our year, most good speakers are already booked. Now the commencement speaker committee is on a two-year plan.  Scott Lay, this year’s speaker, is very student-centered and is himself a graduate of a community college – he is an excellent speaker and will connect with students.  Steve:  Commencement speakers should be different from our speakers for faculty events – Commencement is our event for students.  Speakers should be more interesting for them.  Glenn:  The students picked Scott Lay.  And there is a nomination process.  Steve:  When was the last time a faculty-nominated speaker was chosen?  Kathy -  We need volunteers for the committee for commencement speakers -- [please let Roy or I know if you want to be on this committee, which meets maybe three times in the Spring.]  Kathy also mentioned she is working on getting faculty representatives on the commencement event committee.  Tracy Fahimi :-  We  need to have more diversity in those speaking to our students – racially, culturally, and those that are in a variety of walks of life that relate to our students – we need to get away from the “white men in suits” pattern.  She feels that it is because of the process that we haven’t.  The current process yields, not what faculty and students want, but what administrators want.  We need more variety, interesting speakers that represent diversity.  Glenn: The administration is interested in diversity.  Tracy: OK, but the result of the process is: little diversity.  Glenn:  We have had some, but I agree – it could be better, diversity-wise.  He said it is very much a student driven process. Ilknur:  When can we start the process of nominating earlier, so we don’t lose good speakers? Glenn - We are two years ahead so we can get ahead.  Kathy:  This year’s committee selects next year’s speaker, and possibly for two years, so we are not asking people last minute.  Steve: Are we confident in what we mean by the student process in this?  Do we have any idea how the meeting is being run, who is there and influencing the decision?  Glenn: Student government makes the decisions. Kathy:  If we had faculty on the committee, we would know.  Ilknur:  How do we fix this?  Kathy:  Those with concerns should fill the available places on the committee - there are four faculty seats at the table.  It only meets a few times a year.  It’s a task force.  It’s on the list for faculty to join.   Tracy:  Who chairs it?  Linda F: Ben Guzman.   Roy:  Agendize this for fall.  Kathy:  Yes – in the meantime, speak to your colleagues about joining.  It generally meets in Spring.   
-    Steve:   I and others have significant (an understatement) concerns with the operation of the scholarship process at this college – a serious problem. Wants this body  (Academic Senate) to insert itself into this process – the problems with IVC scholarships damages our credibility.   Glenn:  Thanks Linda F. for coming in and trying fix this problem (he says she’s done a “wonderful job”).  Yes, scholarships are incredibly important.  Two things:  1) We used to do this with paper. Then new technology, STARS, came in – recommended by prior director as one of the top software in the state. The prior director [D Cox] did not tell me [Glenn] that he didn’t know how to use the software – it wasn’t being used completely or correctly.  We’re looking for someone with this expertise in the search for the new director  2) Legal opinion of discrimination  - that created a problem as well.  Lots of work to figure out how to use the tool working through those criteria.  [Steve notes that, according to Darryl, he asked for experts to come in to explain the software, but his request yielded nothing.]
-    Roy:  Fall 2012 -You told us of the fiscal crisis: revenue remains flat as expenses go up. [Glenn notoriously overreacted, inspiring push-back from the Senate re unilateral decision to cut faculty hires.] In the aftermath of all that, there was a careful examination of the budget: decisions made, etc.  The consistent reports we received portrayed people or a process that were “less than competent”.  Now, there’s a move afoot to turn the budget director into a Vice President.  Glenn:  Davit is highly competent.  (Lists credentials and work experience).  Roy:  Ok - but there was lots of incompetence somewhere in the budget process in the reports we received.  So maybe somewhere else.  So where is the problem?  Glenn:  His work is excellent.   Roy:  So lets talk about the process of moving someone from Director of FS to a VP position without a hiring process - this is bad policy.  Glenn:  [Invites Roy to the budget committee].  I think you will find out that what is incompetent is how we are given our budget from the state of California.  This goes back to the old days of Terry Burgess - always been a bad process - the budget is a moving target that is given to us - very difficult job.  State of California and the legislature - the way they give us our money is in constant flux.  Very difficult job to do this budgeting.  We only get a half year.  Davit did an excellent job managing our no-growth by moving things around and we didn’t have a lot of cuts.  He didn’t react by cutting and slicing and making chaos.  Now - about the Director to VP - we have a hiring process and we also have a legal process for reorganization.  We haven’t seen that used until it happened at Saddleback for their budget director.  The ramifications are huge.  Saddleback did that and the chancellor came to me [Glenn] and said it is time for IVC to do this for fairness . Roy: Something isn’t necessarily good or right or wise just because someone else does it.  We should vet the position.  Glenn:  It is a good decision from human resources and labor law position but probably not from our (faculty) perspective. 

-    CATHLEEN GREINER’S PRESENTATION: CONTRACT AND COMMUNITY AND DISTANCE ED - And the future of IVC.  [In response to concerns about this area of instruction expressed by some senators.] She clarified what the differences are between credit, non credit, not for credit.  She discussed why we have our programs of community ed, contract ed, distance ed, work force development etc.  Contract ed:  we are obligated to enter into discussions with those that ask to work with us - but if they can’t meet our requirements, then we can refuse them.  Kathy mentioned that faculty have a great interest in any credit or non credit programs that are part of our curriculum. Kathy: putting on the agenda for the fall that faculty needs to have a say in who is teaching these courses - we are the experts.  Kathy also says we will be looking into the budgetary questions surrounding this range of instruction.  Greiner’s presentation is posted on the Academic Senate site, if you are interested. 

-    Diana H.  - CURRICULUM: we need 290 courses revised next year and this won’t happen with two meetings a month for tech and curriculum.  She announced a more frequent meeting structure, which includes back to back curriculum and tech review.  Hours to be announced - but will entail meetings every Tuesday (from about noon until 6:00 p.m.).  She shared a list of courses with due dates for tech review and for curriculum. We will be sent the list so please look at due dates and launch by due dates.   Our curriculum rep will send this info and it will also be posted to the curriculum tab at the Academic Senate page. If you don't meet your date, the course will go to the bottom of the list and they will work during the January break to try and complete what remains.  Roy asked if there is more compensation or help for the huge and increasing amount of work that curriculum does.  Kathy has asked for an increase from 6-9 OSH.  No confirmation yet, but prospects seem good.

-    PLUS AND MINUS GRADING OPTIONS: As before, Tracy of Social Sciences noted her School’s support of moving to pluses and minuses. Roy indicated that many faculty in H&L also favor this change and seek for our senate to join with the SC senate to pursue it. Voted on whether to have the discussion to work with Saddleback on a proposal for a policy and to bring it back for all to vote on. - Did not pass:  13-4-5 (one vote short).  The darkness and menace that then emanated from Tracy’s end of the building seemed to inspire Kathy to explain that this issue can be re-raised at the next meeting (in the Fall) in a different form—or the same motion can be opened by a member of the “prevailing” side (the “no” side).  Look at information posted on Academic Senate forum. 

-    SAFETY AND SECURITY: - Please send list of concerns to -- and to (Senator) Priscilla Ross of the Safety committee.  Kathy and Priscilla assure us that Will Glen is working hard to make changes, but he’s running into blocks. 

-    PROGRAM DISCIPLINE COURSE REALIGNMENT POLICY REVISION and the School/Department definition and realignment policy. :  - Passed. 



-    COMMENCEMENT AND SCHOLARSHIP: Interested parties will be asked to come to a debrief at some date after commencement.  Will be held in the early summer; members will decide when to meet regularly during the school year.  Glenn directing Linda F. to have this meeting.  An all-campus all-faculty invitation will be sent out to everyone to this debrief and then form the committee and committee schedule. Please be on the lookout for this invitation and please do participate.  The Senate went on record, making a motion which advised the commencement committee and President to advise the “invocator” to keep the invocation, this year, short (under one minute) and non-denominational or, alternatively, ask for a moment of contemplative reflection. [There seemed to be lots of support in the room for this.]

-    ACADEMIC CALENDAR DISTRICT  COMMITTEE- BOB URELL -  Calendar was approved and sent to next level .

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