Thursday, January 29, 2015

• January 29, 2015: "academic renewal" and "repeat" policies

The notorious V
Senate Meeting Report Jan 29, 2015

I’m in a hurry, so these notes are somewhat rough.
Some important issues, though:

Senate meeting notes for January 29 meeting of the IVC Academic Senate

I arrived a few minutes late. Evidently, the senate had just voted to make our own Lewis Long “past president.” That’s very good news for those who fear that the Senate has grown much too accommodating of Administrative plans, projects, and infamies.

When I arrived [2:20], Tracy F was noting the dire state of parking for students.

The crew cut senator from physical sciences stood up to propose that we “prohibit” solicitation of volunteers for committees during Senate meetings. Taking up too much time, he said. Senate Prez Schmeidler said that that will be “taken under advisement.” (The proposal is manifestly absurd.)

Item 5: Senate Approval of Changes to the 2015-2016 Catalog: “Per Curriculum process, the Curriculum Committee recommends changes to the 2015-2016 catalog.”

Tiffany T of Counseling stood up to present this. (There was some confusion about whether we had jumped ahead to item 8—board policies and administrative regs.)  

Evidently, “The College’s Catalog contains the official information regarding Academic Renewal. These documents are updated annually for currency and correctness using a review process that includes consultation with the Academic Senate.” (From Tiffany’s handout, an item from a board agenda [re AR5320].)

“Academic Renewal” is the policy (we have one now) according to which

Previously recorded substandard academic performance may be disregarded it it is not reflective of a student’s demonstrated ability.

Essentially, as things stand, after a period (of three years), a student who has recently demonstrated the seriousness and ability to take courses successfully is permitted a “redo” of a previous unfortunate semester. (A maximum of 2 semesters can be “renewed.”) A student who does the renewal loses all the grades of that unfortunate semester, including the good ones. The proposal is to allow a student to pick and choose the courses to be renewed (from the regrettable semester). The student can apply for “academic renewal” as often as desired, up to 30 units.

Another proposed change concerns the district’s “repeat” policy. As things stand, a student can “repeat” a course, but the repeated course must be offered within the district (i.e., at one of the two colleges). Tiffany and Co. propose that students can retake an IVC or SC course at “other regionally accredited colleges and universities.”

During the meeting, a very wide range of views were expressed, some negative, some positive. It sounded like people wanted to go back to their schools with this. Martin M suggested that, if we do not permit this changes, IVC will once again behave in an offensive “elitist” manner. I suggested that, since students should be encouraged to be mature and sensible, the proposals are moving in the wrong direction (for they are more permissive). Some noted that, if we allow the “repeat” change, our courses will be replaced by courses elsewhere that might fail to reflect our standards. Etc.

In answer to a question, Tiffany asserted that all other local colleges have made these changes. A certain hubby of a certain counselor (a veteran) argued: other colleges do renewal and repeats as per these proposals. Therefore it is right and good that we do likewise.

I almost asked him what he’d do if everybody else marched off of a cliff, but I was feeling particularly generous that day.

These topics are coming up again at this Thursday’s meeting of the Senate.

Next: Exec reports:

Bob U, VP
Resource requests have been routed to appropriate committees. Every resource request has been vetted, passed on. Each will be rated. Will come back with recommendations.

Most got their requests in on time. Thanks.

Great job. It’s in the hopper. Our goal is to fund these things in the beginning of the summer.

Program review:
Process document (called template) was reviewed, updated. SPAC made typographic corrections. No longer called a template. It’s a process. We desperately needed revision. Motion to approve as revised in SPAC. Approved unanimously.

Next, Kathy S (Senate Prez) noted that the all-important faculty hiring policy has dropped off of the list of upcoming BP and AR revisions. That’s not good. Evidently, there’s a lawsuit…an attorney found the policy had problems. Thus removed for revision. Initially, that upset Kathy. But “I love this attorney,” she now said. This is a stupid board policy, shouldn’t have all these details. Should be an AR. “Yeah, attorney!”, says Kathy. The things this guy recommended were all good. The HR people were disturbed, but Kathy was happy. So, there’s a delay, but that might lead to a much bigger improvement. The Chancellor was very reluctant, but suit avoidance has led to this, and that is likely good.

5301 (“repeating” policy proposal)—already discussed earlier. Continuing.

Yadda yadda yadda

There was some discussion about the prospect of deans serving as part-timers in their area. Yadda Yadda Yadda. Awkward situations can occur.

Accept this policy or not? Despite the awkward difficulties.

Kathy notes that having an administrator teach has an upside: teaching can change your perspective for the better.

Public safety camera system

Approved unanimously.

Item 11: --Women’s Studies realignment—is the big one

The Ac Affairs committee wants one more meeting (owing to presence of new members, not up to speed)

Item 16: “Leading from the Middle 2015 Academy” – whatever that is.

We need a volunteer! There’s going to be a trip in a few days.

Item 17 plus and minus  grading option. Academic Affairs voted 2/3 against the change.  Remain with status quo.

You can bring this back anytime you want. We voted: 17 yes 5 no, so passes.

I do believe that Brittany and I voted against the decision to leave things at status quo.

Item 15 —faculty manual. Roopa. Approve the revision? Yes. Overwhelming (despite my vote)

Curriculum chair load: item 18. Possibility of an assistant chair, not co-chair. Diana is comfortable with former. Delegate certain aspects of curric process.  Hopefully, assistant would be a chair-in training. Approved.

Item 19: Teacher of Year workgroup – we need volunteers! Brittany and Brooke voluteered. Done.

Item 20: faculty hires.
  • Bio
  • LD Specialist
  • Economics
  • History
  • English
  • Geography


Item 21 – student drop survey

Last 2 items on agenda: committee that need members. Sexual assault district wide workgroup. Celebrating excellence awards.  –Ask your faculty. Any volunteers? Work goes on.  Melanie and Brooke volunteered for celebrating excellence group.

That was about it.


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