Thursday, February 19, 2015

• February 19, 2015: final exam week, admin reorg


1. Guests:   Ryan E. ( New head of Student Life, G. Roquemoore, C. Doughtery, C. Greiner, Dennis G.

2. Public Comments:  a) Glen R.:  Honored  Diana Hurlbut for i her appointment to the California Academic Senate  2) April is Part Time Faculty Appreciation Month   3) Dennis:  Foundation Awards dinner reminder. 

3. Kathy S:  Data is now collected from the  District Climate Survey that we took last fall.  Info to be coming soon. Also, call out for readers for proposals for the Student Success money coming in.  These would be proposals from all over the state.  Let Kathy know if you are interested in doing this. 

4. Bob U.:  a) Resource requests:  There is a glitch in the new system - they are working through it - approximately $35 million in requests that are being sorted. b) Basic Aid - $2.1 million proposal to redo the technology in the board room ( I clarified this amount three times) - please send input as we will give DTEC rep (Roopa) our recommendations for her to take to the committee that works on this.  She encourages your feedback :) 3) A new position to temporarily help Davit is being flown (one year temp. position)   4.) New full time custodian will also be hired plus 3-4 part time custodians to help alleviate all the custodial issues weve been having.  Also commented that the emails from head of facilities and maintenance have been complete, friendly, helpful, and effective.  :)  5) Working on a 5 year budget projection. There will be an increase in STRS and PRS payments and this presents a concern for the budget, but rumor from the state says we would be getting our PROP 98 money and an augmentation to cover this increased payment as well.  Nothing for sure, but Bob will bring the 5 year projection for us to look at as soon as it is complete.

5) Brett M:  1) Additional professional development money   is available.  $62 K ($31$ to augment our professional development funds we usually get) and $31K is a response t a request to fund faculty members to go to conferences on behalf of the college.  Please keep requesting funds for conferences - this helps make the case for our obvious need for more funding in this area. 

6) Diana H.   1) If you need help reworking your programs to include Honors, please let Diana know- she will help you . 2) March 28 - Regional curriculum meeting in El Cajon. If you are interested, you are all invited. 

7) 2016-2017 Academic Calendar:  Spring classes continue to begin after the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday , commencement before Memorial Day, Spring break mostly in the middle, taking wednesday before Thanksgiving out makes us short one instructional day during fall.   So it remains the Monday after finals.  We voted to approve the calendar.

8) District Wide Planning Council Membership - approved to increase faculty membership now to have 3.  Currently we have Kathy and Roopa.  Please let us know if you would like to serve on this district wide committee.  They meet twice a semester and have one retreat in the end of May/early June; purpose to meet meet to go over district wide strategic plan to make sure it is moving forward , work on district planning manual, etc. Next meeting at IVC in April.

9) District Proposed Technology Projects - proposals :  There are a lot of project proposals.  Look through the list and let Roopa know which ones you feel are important . Also, we can discuss these at a school meeting and let them know our collective opinions in addition to personal opinions. Celina, can we possibly  bring the list to the next meeting to look at?

10) Final Exam week - Should we switch back to final exam week? Debate ensued.  I presented our schools opinion to keep the current schedule. Math and two of the science departments prefer the old way.  We are to discuss further with our schools and take it back to senate at our next meeting.   This discussion began from within our college - this is not because Saddleback has the final schedule..  Please send me your thoughts on the final exam schedule in email form so we can represent your thoughts  accurately.    Thank you.

11) Search Committee for Executive Director, College Foundation - please let us know if you are interested in serving - there will be two faculty slots available.  Please consider.  Email or let me know or Kathy S.

12) Need 4 faculty members for the Commencement Speaker task force.  Please let me know if you are interested. 

13) Administration Reorganization -  VPI has proposed reorganizing of the deans - we need to meet and discuss as a school - but nothing settled.  Craig will be meeting with School of Social and Behavior Sciences.  He believes he needs more managers and deans. Two points of discussion:  how many he needs/gets and if so, how it reorganizes.

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