Thursday, February 2, 2017

Senate meeting, Feb. 2, 2017

My notes are a bit sketchy, but I guess they'll do:

Feb 2, 2017 meeting of Academic Senate, Rep Council
Woman came up to talk about student scholarships. Many scholarships have fewer than five applicants. So, there you go.
Executive reports:
Kathy: we now have paucity of part-time senators. Any interested parties? Let us know. (Senators to represent part-time faculty. Write
DRAC (District Resources Allocation) meets tomorrow. Something might actually happen at the meeting—will address the way in which we use the DRAC model, which is problematic (last 8-10 years). DRAC model developed nearly twenty years ago, served the district well, kept the peace. At first, IVC was getting much less allocation per FTES. We were cheap then. Late 90s and early oughts, agreements reached: over years, things evened out. The model was set up to balance income according to how many students, with limit on growth. The state always had a growth expectation, we adopted that limitation in restricting growth. How could IVC grow faster than that? In mid-2000s, use of model was frozen. If met the target, we got paid. If not, we had a year or two to make it up, not lose the money. With freeze: paid according to the target, and so the target became self-perpetuating. So you could slack off a bit, but ability to change proportions went away. We’ve been frozen at 35%, or whatever. Will go back to focusing on targets, but then looking at the actual. This will help IVC, since, in last few years, IVC has been growing faster than SC. Zero sum game, allocations. Leftovers, basic aid. Kathy has noticed improved mood at DRAC. Things are much better with interim Chancellor Fitzsimons. She’s doing much better job understanding what’s going on. 
Chancellor search? I can say that the board is very interested in what is going on on the committee. A few members met with the committee to learn “what we were doing.” They seem to trust the committee. I don’t know anything about the pool, but the process is very hopeful. 
VP Bob U: not much to report. Next week, three committees will meet, including BARC. Woof.
Academic Affairs guy, Brent: Proposed amendments/changes to bylaws. Show to your people. This will be posted. Discuss. Three options. Let us know what you think. “Yell at us.” 

Kathy: bylaw changes, different. Recommendation of senate, voted on whole membership. Term limits? Two terms, then get out. Can get back in later. Recommendations.
Interesting paradigm to elect someone for two years. Something to think about. Steve: when we had it that way before, we had great trouble getting people to run. Kathy: things change. 
BP and AR:
Drone AR adopted by the chancellor (AR 3960). Students cannot fly their drones in the building without pilot’s licenses. At the moment, framers/adopters have been cautious about regulations/safety. But have not been as sensitive about instruction and also outreach, marketing, etc. (Anyone who flies outside needs a pilot’s license.)
Item 8 – need more people for grade grievance.
Item 10 – Advisor handbook. Not heard from person. Grumble grumble.
Item 12 – AACC pathways project. People are at conference at Tempem Arizona right now. –Not heading toward a “one size fits all” conclusion. That’s good.
Item 14: California Promise program.
Hopefully you’ve all been talking about this in your schools. Entire year scheduling
Didn’t get enough votes for this to pass (here at Senate). Arranging your scheduling to permit students registering for a year at a time. Need to do that to have access to some funds. We can‘t do it right now because IT can’t do it. 
Motion: support adjusting process so that we schedule an entire academic year at one time?
Vote: 21 -1 – 0 Passes
Item 15 - DE coordinator co-chair
Meredith anticipates taking leave midway through semester. Need a co-chair. 
Open nominations:  none
Item 16 – Academic Calendar 2018-9
Asked to give advice to the Calendar committee—pursue 16 week semester and then either longer or shorter intersession. Lots of documents posted about this.  Life sciences is happy to consider 16-4 16-8. 16 16 12—what we used to have. Brittany: hate that. None of our classes (in Humanities) can do 6 weeks. Kathy: I’m hearing. Yes, investigate the possibility, but longer summer is what is really important to people. Don’t cut the summer, whatever you do. “I’ll pass that along.” 
Item 17 – senate elections – need to appoint an elections committee (Rich and Joon)
Pass the word. Any interest in participating? 
Item 18 – establish election dates. June McLaughlin, Business Law: nominee, president of Academic Senate

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