Senate meeting, April 19
Big issue: the Tracy Fahimi problem (just below)
Manzanar trip still on.
Opening of new school/building at ATEP was nice
Heritage Day soon
Executive report:
June M, Senate Prez:
We need bodies for these committees:
Assist. director of fiscal services (initial screening mid May)
Dist Central Service Manager
Anyone who thinks we need to scrape someone up for each of these committees? (Some senators pitch for importance of providing representation.)
Reminder: stipend work group meeting. Process of how stipends are given at IVC. We have a revised policy.
Preface: I turned 55 this year. Paid arbitrator/dispute resolution. I do not have conflicts in my life. Been doing it for decades.
I have been left with “zero” choice. Tried to resolve this problem. I’ve been dissed, ignored. I need to call someone out. A waste of cabinet resources. (We all exhibited a WTF face.)
Senate can no longer work with Dean Tracy Fahimi. Disrespectful things are happening, have been happening. I’ve tried everything. Nothing works. Tracy is not someone I dislike. I have one more year in this gig. I will not get done what I want to get done if I have to spend time fighting someone who doesn’t understand the role they have been given. Doesn’t understand 10+1.
Did not arrange for her to be absent today. (She is absent; after a few minutes, she appears. Not sure if she heard any of this.)
Tracy tells June, “You don’t understand.” Some of my personal info was shared. I complained about it. “I asked you. not to share this info,” but it was shared anyway, repeatedly
The VPI delegated to this dean curriculum prof dev academic programs. Interpretation of what that means was very unclear.
Jeff: there is no dean over senate. Never has been. (Does Tracy imagine that she’s “over” the senate?)
Brittany: 10+1 issue?
Professional development. That’s ours, not yours. But Fahimi keeps sending memos and such. Got a disrespectful memo back. Prof development issues chronic, weekly. Further complicated—senate was given Guided Pathways. Dean got GPs also. Innumerable, chronic. I solve all my problems. This problem I can’t solve.She’s a good dean, person. Still, I can’t work with her.
Kerry: suggested: lack of clarity of roles perhaps. Is it she is trying to do a good job but is going too far, stepping on toes. (I do believe that Kerry would claim that there’s middle ground to find between Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty, as the tumble down the Reichenbach Falls.)
Ilknur asked if this is a senate issue. June: yes. “I’m at the point that senate work can’t get done.” This is not a “June thing.” The whole cabinet experiences this. (The rest of the Senate wore their best poker faces, but it became clear later that they were substantially in agreement with June.)
One member of the cabinet spoke up: agreed that micromanagement is afoot
Some suggested that this problem is broader: something coming from VPI. Lots of micromanaging. Perhaps
There’s something mysterious (says Dan D) going on; Jeff too; it seems that issues that should get to the senate never get there.
VP [Jeff K] report:
Perhaps IVC will be able to show more growth than SC. Maybe shake a little cash loose from the allocations process. We need that given the cliff before us.
SC borrowed to avoid a cliff; that cliff is coming up soon for our colleagues to the south You watch. “They’re the ones holding the stinky bag,” said Jeff.
Jeff discussed further construction at IVC. The Last building on bare ground (not revision of existing spaces) is the coming Art building. After that, all construction will be redos.
Dan D: Ac Affairs: clarification and adjustment faculty hiring listdevelopment. With VPI. We’ll be voting on suggestions at our next meeting. Will come to senate.
Also because of continual IT issues…. Prof development software… changes in request and reimbursement system. The system will line up with how SC does it. Everything processed the same way across the district. June 1: date accepting prof development requests for next year starting July 1
Curriculum (Diane):
I’ve been with many deans working with curriculum. She talks to them like this: You are on my team; you are here to help me. The dean should be emissary to the VPI. Every now and then there’s been conflict. I’ve been able to manage it well from my perspective. (I guess she was suggesting that she has not had a problem with Tracy.)
April 2nd– revisions are due Look at left hand nav bar on curricunet.
Was at Plenary last weekend. Signed memo of understanding between state chancellor and UC(s). MOU. Now we have to work out all the dirty details. Transfer students. Chemistry, physics, policy sci, anthro. 21 areas.
Someone mention that there’s an LA Times article a couple days ago that covers all this.
BPs and ARs
We passed all the bp up for vote.
Pathways Update.
Passed out two sheets pithily presenting advantage to students securing degrees rather than ignoring AAs and going for transfer. Also: what the workgroup has done and will be doing.
We’re trying to get everyone to provide input.
Roopa: guided pathways is NOT for all students.
JEFF: fundamental flaw here (a reference to the new Bill that will move more toward community colleges providing the “first two years”).
Crash and burn campuses. Students unfiltered.
We’re eating away at the one thingwe can sell: intimacy. We need to be aware of this as we go foward
J. School of Library and Online Education
The plan is to create a School of “Library and Online Educatio.”
Lots of carping about this new school, school of Library and “online instruction”
I asked, “How can there by a school of OI when there is OI in each school?”
Lots of yammering. We voted no on this thing.
K. Josh Dorman, Research Analyst
Josh Dorman from the Office of Research, Planning and Accreditation
Josh will share data on student achievement gaps at IVC.
Josh says he’s a research analyst. Been here for 6 mos.
Disproportionate impact – how do we determine that? Percentage point gap method.
Blah blah blah
L. SenateElections:CurriculumCommitteeChair
Nomination for curric chair. Rich D.