Thursday, April 5, 2018

March 15, 2018: "Go back to your home country"

My notes of the March 15 meeting of the IVC Academic Senate Rep Council
Agenda here:

We discussed the recent incident involving a Golden West College Counselor running into an Asian American (on a walk in the neighborhood) and saying to him (and to his wife), “go back to your home country.”

According to the Times, the patriot in question is “Tarin Olson, a professor and counselor at Golden West.” She was contacted by a reporter and she said:

"I feel my perspective will be twisted if discussing the skewed video which cut out part of the incident," she said in a statement to the station. "If you would like to have a full normal interview about the displacement of European-Americans, then I gladly am available to enlighten the public."

“Displacement of European-Americans” is a thing in the alt-right world, the Brightbart News world. Sheesh.
 We all agreed that it would be appropriate to pursue dialogue/conversation about this odd incident. Officials at the college rejected the counselor’s sentiments. Not sure what else has happened. Olson’s on a leave of absence

Two part-timer senators were appointed

We discussed the ongoing review of BPs and ARs. June underscored the BP about evaluation of administrators, et al.
Evaluating administrators happens everywhere, all the time, yet some in our district oppose the idea that instructors and others should have a role in evaluations of administrators. Send input to

Jeff K: BARC meeting last week. District IT. SPAC. Moved forward without “alterations to that list.” Jeff: a jaw dropping amount of money. Something close to $10 mil. We need to be more attentive: some involved in the process have a cavalier attitude about spending. The spending cycle is a “self-perpetuating beast.” Things can collectively go awry. $9-10 million dollars. Jeff expressed skepticism about the process and the data.
I asked about the auditor who visited the senate not long ago. Can’t he look at this stuff? Make recommendations?
Please collect you IT anecdotes. We need that.
“Bruce wants our support.”
Jeff reminded us that, in the case of the district calendar, we at IVC just acted like victims for years until we finally came in with guns blazing and things finally changed. They’re not used to having people stand up and be prepared to question things.  These people need to do a lot more explaining (it all might be justified, of course).
Please send anecdotes about IT issues to June. She’ll collect them and we’ll review and arrive at an approach, maybe adopt a resolution.

DIANA: the head of courses discussed the new residency rules.
Honestly, I had no idea what she was  saying. Some people love their acronyms and such.

BPs and ARs:
BPs and ARs for review:
· AR 3605 Employee Travel – Payment of Employee Travel Expenses BPs and ARs for voting on March 15, 2018:
·  BP / AR 5611 Open Enrollment
·  BP / AR 6105 Prerequisites, Co-Requisites, Advisories, and Limitations on
·  BP / AR 4345 Catastrophic Leave

Pathways Update
Rebecca: workgroup is mostly focused on Fall, what we need to do now for Fall. A summit. Trying to get staff and students to participate. Met with Loris? Focus groups with our students on campus. 1st year students. Focus groups come first, then surveys that “drill down.”
April 10 – district tech guy Jim Gaston will be coming to meeting. Feel free to join us or email us questions, issues.
Please, we need more people on our workgroup. We always have snacks, she said. Yum.

Cessa: commencement work group. Blah blah blah, see handout.

Seemed to say that it really helps when a faculty support a student for student speaker. Let us know who’s out there. Nominate people.
If you’re planning on not attending, let your dean know. Arrive at around 3:30.
There’ll be a faculty gauntlet.
New last year: providing dinner immediately after. A really nice spread at cafeteria.
I raised the spectre of prayer. Cessa finally asked me if I wanted prayer. No, I said.

Presentation on the inner workings of Career Technical Education (CTE) at IVC.
CTE at IVC is very “academic” compared to other colleges, said Merry Kim, Director, Career Technical Education. “Blah blah blah,” she continued.
I asked what she meant by saying that CTE is very “academic” at IVC.
It just is, I guess.

(Strikes me as pretty unacademic.)

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