Thursday, April 18, 2019

Academic Senate, April 18: the Senate hits rock bottom

Academic Senate, April 18: the Senate hits rock bottom
During public remarks, one senator suggested that the Senate should contemplate an investigation into the causes of the recent death (by suicide) of a colleague whose mood had been burdened by some sort of discipline he had recently received owing to some unfortunate remarks in the classroom. (I.e., we mustn’t ever object to an instructor’s remarks since it might lead to his suicide  or "Liberals are destroying America.")

No action was taken.
The Senate Prez (June M) was absent.
Ac. Affairs chair Dan D reminded everyone that the memorial for Colin would occur April 26. 
     Eventually, we got to the main item: the vote of confidence/no-confidence in the College President. The issue was whether we should go forward with such a vote at all.
     Discussion among Senators revealed that IVC’s full-time faculty seem divided about this matter. Several Senators reported that their faculty are unclear about the objections to Roquemore’s leadership, despite promulgation of a document that listed most of the points/complaints/alarms that have arisen in recent months (since early Fall) and the Senate’s recent censure of the fellow.
     Oddly, the senate cabinet distributed a document that was a point-by-point rebuttal to the elements of the aforementioned document. We were not told who its author was, though it was evidently someone in the “communications” area. (Probably Gary R, that notorious prayer enthusiast.) It was badly written; its tone was unprofessional.
     It’s pretty clear that most faculty never read the document identifying worries and complaints about Roquemore. Many faculty, it seems, are apathetic and complacent, disinclined to be bothered with objections to Roquemore’s ways/regime. Our campus is polarized, I think, much as the country is polarized: by those who pay attention and worry vs. those who support “Our Leader.” Trouble-makers vs. patriots. Radicals vs. regular folk.
     This matter will again come up for a vote today (May 2) at this afternoon’s meeting. Brittany and I are seriously contemplating voting the thing down, fearing that it will produce more support than dissent of Roquemore.
     Dan D of Ac. Affairs explained that his committee is wrestling with the unfortunate tendency of leaving “part timers” (ah, even the name is a problem!) out of governance, discussions. What to do?
51% of the teaching of IVC is done by adjuncts.
     The AA committee has some reasonable recommendations that will come up for vote today. (See here.) Here they are:

College-Wide Proposals Supporting Associate Faculty 
· That associate faculty representatives have a voting representative on each of the following committees: Academic Affairs, Curriculum, Senate (two representatives), BDRPC, APTC, and IEC. Also, that these associate faculty representatives receive compensation for their committee attendance. 
· That an IVC professional development website be developed and open to access by associate faculty. 
· That associate faculty be given a web location (e.g., a web page or canvas space) for the purposes of notifications and communications
· That online professional development and training opportunities be offered for associate faculty in consideration of their work schedules outside IVC. 
School-Specific Proposals Supporting Associate Faculty 
· That new associate faculty be provided with mentors from the ranks of full-time faculty or seasoned associate faculty
· That associate faculty by given shadowing opportunities for continued development of their teaching skills. 
· That the schools make available both physical and online documents to associate faculty including course outlines of record, sample syllabi, school contact information, program and course SLOs, sample assignments, and other best practice course materials.
· That associate faculty receive regular invitations to, and agendas and minutes for, school and department meetings.
· That each school establish an annual process of recognition and appreciation for associate faculty.

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