Thursday, October 2, 2014

• October 2, 2014: carping about the Scholarship Program, A400


1.      INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:   Lianna Zhou, Glenn R.,  Craig Justice, Cathleen Griener, Kurt Meyer, Michael - ASIVC Rep  and new alternate Jeff Wilson.

2.     PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Glenn R. - Read a letter he received from Phi  Theta Kappa - recognizing Professor Kurt Meyer for 10 years of serve to the organization.  Glenn will be purchasing a brick to be laid in the courtyard at headquarters with Kurts name on it and presented Kurt with a lapel pin. Kurt:  Most formative and fulfilling part of my intellectual life and development ..remarkable organization. Congratulations Kurt!!!!  Michelle S. - transfer fair coming up on Tuesday - let students know - free donuts :)

3.     EXECUTIVE REPORTS:  KATHY:  a)School of Life Science award for the building b) Scholarship - the process over the last two years of discussion and analysis of the process, has developed into a document- Kathy would like us all to look at the document and make suggestions. Roy mentioned that some  schools would like to run their own scholarship  - not within the campus process.  Kathy says there might be legal issues involved. Please bring corrections to Kathy.  Roy states that corrections have been sent multiple times and no changes have been made. Drafting a standard letter of recommendation form that has some check the appropriate box section and written section. Brittany discusses the issue is not with the process but with the accountability of the process being used correctly. Kathy says she understands - we have a new director of financial aid and the dean of student services in much more understanding of the faculty concerns - she feels that we have more administrative support.  BOB URELL:  a) Great Shake Out next week - October 16th at 10:16.  This is a drop and cover drill and then the evacuation of classes drill.  Your classes need to be evacuated .  Instructions will come through the phone system. b) Status of Resources Requests:  List of resource requests being approved - now in draft format.  First went to deans, then went through various committees, now at SPAC to see which should be funded.  We have a huge list compared to funding available - this makes the ranking process difficult.  The ranked list is on the Academic Senate website- take a look at it to see the list of resources submitted.  Please let Bob or Kathy know if your request is not listed on the master list .  The amount requested and the type are listed in the next two columns.  The next following columns are the funding sources that could fund the request. The top of each column has a description-  if you click or hover, a pop up explanation is there.  The spreadsheet will show which are the possible funding sources for each of the requests.  The columns will be populated by Friday in the final draft - except for the general fund column - will be used after we try and fund out of the other sources. There is also a column with a link to each resource request.  Additionally, a column showing how each committee ranked each of the resources.  Of course there is also a column showing how each request connects to the Strategic Plan and numbered objectives.  This is all the information that is used to help them when they do the final ranking .  This is clearly the most transparent this has been in long time.  (editorial :) BRETT MCKIM:  Academic Affairs- plus minus issue their biggest discussion as a body - highly divided .  Asks for our input. Current legislation and board policy posted on the forum of the academic senate- take a look.  There is no C- , legislation dictates.  Academic Affairs will formulate a recommendation and bring it to senate to vote.  When I know what this is, we need to talk about this so your senators can represent the school accurately in a vote.  DIANA:  We are at 116 % compliance with ADTs - thanks everyone for all their work. 
4.     BP/ARS -  a) Recruitment:  Full -time Faculty , Student Success and Support Programs, Teaching Assignments for Administrators and Classified Managers, and Duties and Responsibilities of Dept/Academic Chair - All adopted and voted on to move forward.
5.     CATHLEEN GRIENER:  ab 86: ADULT EDUCATION CONSORTIUM PLANNING GRANT update:  Legislative intent to fund students that are post high school pre work ready - including ELL and adults with disabilities, in citizenship process etc.   Challenge:  to rethink and design a system to establish linkages for adult ed students across k12 adult schools and Community Colleges.  There are 4 program areas.  This portion of the grant process is to identify the problem. 
6.     Facilities and maintenance:  Follow through in process to all the complaints of areas needing to be cleaned.

7.     A400 design process - School of Humanites is not happy with changes in design and furniture choices without their consultation. 


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