Thursday, December 4, 2014

• December 4, 2014: the Women's Studies issue


1.     GUESTS:  Lewis L. , Michael C., Julie P., Dan S., Cathleen G., Craig J.

2.     PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Tracy F.  - First Friday Hike cancelled due to rainy weather.  Also, suggests two curriculum chairs to help with backlog, brought from her school. Bob U.  Marie De La Palme - read a note from Marie - she has entered hospice. She is asking for faculty not to contact her as her time is brief and will be with immediate family. She says its been her privilege and pleasure to know all of us and be a part of IVC. Counseling department is offering counseling for those who want it. Julie P. - part time faculty in Womens studies - giving her background and teaching experience including 17 hears part time at IVC. Lewis Long: Willing to serve as Past President on the Senate.  Nominated. Michelle S.  Transfer Center update.

3.     EXECUTIVE REPORTS:             President Kathy S. - A) Calendar proposal -  2 calendars proposed by Saddleback for 2016-2017.  Our reps on the calendar committee continue to argue for the later January start closer to Martin Luther King Jr day.  Saddleback College and one board member continue to argue for the January 3rd flex week start date due to the nursing program with 11 faculty who have to start earlier.  Although, they would get compensated. Nursing students are assigned clinical rotations from outside the district.  However, the Faculty Association have negotiated an MOU for 2 paid extra days and are currently negotiating for 4 days.  We have argued the longer interval benefit technology, A/R, Maintenance , counseling departments in getting things completed including more counseling time for students.  PLEASE GIVE ME A SENSE OF WHAT YOU THINK - IS THIS A FIGHT YOU WOULD LIKE OUR REPS TO CONTINUE - YES OR NO?  B) Full Time Faculty Hiring - the board policy is in discussion. Kathy wanted it on the January board agenda to get the process moving to see if we can get it in practice for the next hiring round.  Board wants a presentation on faculty hiring as well.   VP Bob U. - A) Report from Sacramento - budget updates - take a look at the report to see info on growth and money available and other issue.  B) Capital Improvement Submission to the district   C) AB 86 Regional Plan Final  - also on Academic Senate website to look at.  D) New format coming for the resource request. Any resource requests still in the system and not funded will be rolled over. Funding for resource requests approved will be announced shortly.  New due date for new requests and rollovers:  8am on the first day of classes in January.  Will be finalized and announced.  Asking for authors to select funding source - the form will have those on their with explanation so you can identify alternate funding choices.  Take your time and identify what you think the funding category can be - i.e.. - each choice you select once clicked will give your the parameters and questions to make sure you have selected an appropriate category.  This is transparency for us - what money is available and where it goes and who pays for what.  ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Brent M- - Next meeting is next Tuesday - last one was October due to holidays.  Discussion about  Womens Studies will be top of the list for civil discussion.  Curriculum Committee is looking into this topic to inform the rep council. Curriculum is almost entirely in the faculty pervue.  Programs involve more groups than faculty due to funding etc. So Academic Affairs and Curriculum will be looking at the programatic and articulation aspects of the discussion.  Kathy asks please to make the discussion about the topic and not ad hominem.  The move of Women Studies to a new school is more complex than just moving schools because it is not a program but a collection of courses so the move is not simply moving a program to a new school.  Roy mentioned that we need to keep in mind that it is a question of housing the the three courses not a question of personnel and who teaches it - that can stay the same.  He reinforced that the School of Humanities is behind the proposal - it is not coming from one or two people as some seem to think.The other part, Kathy points out, is that there is also discussion about developing a complete program sometime in the future so this is complicating the discussion.  Tracy suggests proposing a new interdisciplinary program and send it to curriculum  instead of keeping the existing one.  
4.     BOARD POLICIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS:  Look at AR 6113  regarding distance ed - please send comments.  ,
5.     MASTER AGREEMENT PROPOSAL UPDATE:  Lewis - asks for feedback regarding proposals and answer questions .  Please send senators any feedback you want forwarded to Lewis. Senate made a motion to affirm that we are in favor of using student evaluations for instructional improvement and not for faculty evaluation pre or post tenure.  We have a standardized evaluation tool - it exists. There was a lengthy discussion about this - we have to have it - so the Association is trying negotiate the best possible language and procedure.   Lewis to take this to negotiations.
6.     SAFETY UPDATE :  We voted and approved the safety committee to move forward with looking into the following items A) Campus emergency alarm system upgrade  first on the safety list.  b) faculty trained in emergency evacuation c) ability to lock the building  from the inside. d) personal safety training for students e) installation of cameras in the parking lot with a phone call box f) training for faculty in other issues - for example first aid for field course instructors.

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