Thursday, September 4, 2014

• September 4, 2014: a kimono festival

Senate Notes from September 4, 2014

Here are the comprehensive notes from last week’s Senate meeting:

Public comments:

From our School: During the public comment’s section I brought up two issues forwarded from our colleagues. I requested that we make sure the budget process is more transparent. Information about IVC budgeting is posted on Sharepoint and Kathy suggested making this section an open forum where individuals can ask questions and open up a dialogue about budget concerns. Secondly, I addressed the issue of campus maintenance falling behind standards from previous semesters. It seems this was a shared concern of other senators. We were told Davit is working on increasing efficiency versus hiring more maintenance staff, but we were told he is (supposed to be) addressing cleanliness concerns.

Concerns were also voiced about the fact that there will be an increase in the cost of a second parking permit for faculty (it will no longer be $1, but now $20). Kathy responded by suggesting this is actually a negotiated union issue. [It also came to light that students and managers pay something like $80 for stickers.]

A representative from the technology services gave a brief announcement that the IVC main website will be redesigned and will be friendlier for mobile applications. There also will be new academic websites launched that target each department. If you want to go over your own specific website for your department, let tech know.

Linda Fontanilla announced a new full-time counselor has been hired for a DSPS position. Mindy Wolf, who has been a part time counselor and is an LD specialist, has accepted the position.

Student affairs will host at the PAC a kimono festival, brought by the rotary club on 2/8/15. [Roy snickered.] Irvine Rotary Club plans to donate the proceeds to scholarships through the Foundation; each year they give two thousand dollars to scholarships. The Fine Arts School voiced concerned over the fact that [kimono crowd] were given a fee waiver and there doesn’t seem to be a clear process as to who receives fees waivers and who does not. Basically, this decision seems to be made by our college President fairly unilaterally. [Steve R gravely predicted that “accident fatigue” among overworked staff will ultimately lead to some fiasco. Steve and Glenn R got into it a bit.]

VP Annoucements (Bob Urell):
Davit made a presentation at their last meeting that suggests the reserve balance will become negative once Prop 30 funds expire. Essentially, from a fiscally conservative standpoint, if we assume the loss of those funds, we will see a negative balance in our budget. A budget solutions recommendation committee will be re-organized. An additional expense down the line will be the increase in STRS fees that the district will have to match in the STRS fund. Legislation has passed where the rate that each individual pays will increase from 8% to 9.5%. The district will also have to increase their contributions. Davit projects a negative figure of $700,000 by 16/17. There was some grumbling about the fact that these discussions always happen around the time we discuss faculty hiring.

Additionally, there have been a total of $3.9 million in resource requests made. We don't have this amount in our budget this year. There will be approval for $300,000 for one-time requests. The balance requires baseline adjustments for ongoing expenses. SPAC [Strategic Planning & Accreditation Council] will have to okay the $300K and will be making decisions about the remaining resource requests that would require ongoing expenses and long-term budget adjustments.
DRAC [District Resources Allocation] will look at more sources of revenue and may think about dipping into basic aid more than in the past. [As you know, the board has imposed a rule according to which Basic Aid gravy goes only to one-time expenses, not ongoing expenses.] Our current board seems more amenable to this possibility. [Mark Mcneil, Kathy, and Bob represent us on DRAC.]

Academic Affairs Announcement (Brett McKim):

They are working to create an LGBTQ liaison on campus [as per state request]. The academic affairs committee will also be looking at professional development issues and will discuss plus/minus grading. Brett will have more to report at the next meeting.

Curriculum Presentation (Diana Hurlbut):
When you change your COR in curricunet, you will have to explain what changed and why. This should be done in the “Justification” section on the cover page.

President’s Announcements (Kathy Schmeidler):
Kathy asks that everyone look over board policies and forward any concern you might have about the language. She suggests you look at BP and AR 5609 specifically (dealing with student grievances against faculty). These policies are in sharepoint. [See]

Also, anyone interested in serving on the grade grievance committee or being trained to become an EEOP [Equal Employment Opportunity Plan] representative for hiring should let either Roy or I know.

Kathy announced the recent MOU signed with Phoenix. (Roy has mostly covered what transpired in his brief notes sent out last week).

We also are looking for nominations during the next week for a part time faulty senator. [Philosophy’s Rachel Hollenberg seeks this position. Anyone else?]

Please let Roy or I know if you have any questions or concerns!



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