Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5, 2014: update

A brief update re Thursday's Senate Meeting:

1. As it turns out, the senate rejected Ray Chandos' request to serve on the Board Policy review committee. I was proud to be a senator! The status quo has Pres. Schmeidler serving on that committee, so that's that.
2. Pres. Roquemore' recent MOU agreement with the U of Phoenix came up. Perhaps in a case of ex post facto justification, an administrator (or administrators) reportedly asserted (to the Senate Prez) that the Counselors supported the MOU. During the meeting, however, counselors suggested that that was not the case; they had heard about the MOU for the first time on the day of the photo op. (To their credit, these counselors seemed disinclined to advise students to transfer to the U of P.) Further, during discussion, it became clear that most or all senators were scandalized by the MOU.
3. No action was taken re  BP5530  (student rights). We've still got time to examine the proposed changes and to comment on them (at a future meeting).
4. Nominations remain open for adjunct senator (two of them, I believe). After the meeting, I learned that philosopher Rachel Hollenberg is interested in that role. Any other interest? Let us know (Brittany or me).
5. One faculty member noted that she had indeed provided input to me about proposed changes to the calendar. I thanked her for her input but reminded her that she is no longer in my school (hence my failure to mention her input)! As it turns out, however, her input matches input I have received from members of the School of Humanities (namely, that the period between Fall and Spring semester leaves barely enough time as it is to prepare for classes).
6. Brittany and I will have a full set of notes about Thursday's meeting by Monday.

Roy Bauer,  Senator 

Your senators:

Brittany Adams -
Roy Bauer -

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